Tuesday, July 17, 2012

WTF Tuesday

The last of the Veganomicon Blueberry Corn Pancakes for breakfast...
Mr. SV brought in carryout for lunch. 'Shrimp in the Garden' from Sunflower.  I try to avoid negatively critiquing cuisine, but this was exceptionally bad. I could actually see where this dish would put me off vegetables forever.
Field Roast Meatloaf with Baked Potatoes and Sour Supreme for dinner.
Recently discovered this Coconut Milk Frozen Dessert $3.49 at Trader Joe's....
The Strawberry is strong in this one. Texture was very pleasing.
Coming up tomorrow: Back to PB & Banana for breakfast. Lunch is a wild card.


Ingrid said...

Two out of three stellar meals, and bonus points for dessert! Pancakes and potatoes FTW.

Was it a texture, cooking method, or seasoning disaster for the veggies? I've not had faux shrimp - is it worthwhile?

Sadly, this local corn was not fantastic. Might have to wait until August for the sweet corn from the western side of the state.

Mary said...

I haven't tried the field roast meatloaf but it looks good. I really like their apple sage sausages.

Miss Rachel said...

Too bad about the lunch. It looks so good too. Like Ingrid, I have not had vegan shrimp, but would like to try it.

At least dinner was a success with a sweet coconut milk ice cream for dessert. I'll have to check and see what flavors of that they have at my Trader Joe's.

xvavaveganx said...

Oooh everything looks so good! What happened with the lunch that made it look bad? I've had vegan shrimp before and it was a little creepy how close the texture was (as far as I could remember at least). I should try those pancakes, they look really amazing and good to know about the ice cream!

Rose said...

Too bad about lunch...why do places sell crap food? How does that happen? Anyway, don't go off veggies.

The rest looks scrummy!

Anonymous said...

sorry about your lunch:( at least the ice cream made up for it! yum!

Vegan In The VI said...

Hey Now!!!!

Ingrid, the Vegetables from Sunflower were bitter. The 'shrimp' were rubbery. Do not go there if you ever return to the area. I'm shocked your corn wasn't up to par. I haven't checked your latest post to see what was up with that.

Mary, Field Roast is a great company. So thankful for their existence.

Miss Rachel, they only had Chocolate and Strawberry flavored Coconut Ice Cream at my TJs. Just get the Crispy Tenders. That is job #1.

VaVa, I'm pretty sure the Pancakes aren't gluten-free. But they are great. This shrimp wasn't similar to the real thing at all. If was da grossness.

Rose, you would think it would be relatively easy to serve decent grub, wouldn't you?

GFHTummy, it has been a rough couple of days food-wise. I need to start making my own food like you do.