Leftover Omelette on WF's Russian Black Bread for breakfast.
Pepper Vege-Steak Burger $9.50 Grilled Vege-Steak (made of Yuba/Tofu Skin) with Green and Red Bell Peppers in a Black Pepper Sauce. Garnished with Lettuce, Tomato, Cucumber slice and Mozzarella Soy Cheese with Organic Fries $3.50 from Lotus Vegetarian for lunch. Followed by enough TJ's Chocolate Salted Almonds to make me a little bit sick.
Dinner was a huge slab of the Lasagna that I made this weekend with Tofutti Ricotta.
After all the above grub, I was pretty heavily weighed down for the evening. Coming up tomorrow: more of the usual.
Trader Joe's Savory Squares
5 weeks ago