Monday, March 21, 2011

Nourishing My Body and Soul

Well at least my soul. Moroccan Lentil Soup...
and the Salad Bar from Whole Foods for lunch. (No items were less than $7.99/lb when purchased off the Salad Bar --I've been schooled in Salad Bar Economics!)
Boca Chik'n Patties with Spinach Salad for dinner.
TJ's Chocolate Covered Cherries for dessert.
Robert Mondavi Cabernet Sauvignon.


dirtyduck said...

"I've been schooled ..." lol:)that soup is interesting, you are good about trying new things.

Rose said...

Way to maximize your salad bar dollars! I used to buy the salad bar at my work cafeteria, but got so tired of paying 6 or 7 bucks for a bunch of lettuce, I just started bringing my own salads in. But I understand the convenience and the fun of a salad bar...if it's good one, my work cafeteria one is crap anyway.

That soup looks so good. I'm actually making lentil soup tonight too.

foodfeud said...

Oh, Whole Foods. I love the stuff at their salad bar but I never bother anymore. Too much money, plus that place is always so crowded when I go. I get depressed when I have to pay for a salad I could just as well make anyway. But..yours has hearts of palm...

Just Us said...

Great job on the salad bar! :o) I'm actually jealous of your salad bar salads. I don't think you could build a salad like that at any salad bar where I live.

Vegan In The VI said...

When Whole Foods Salad Bar is on -- IT IS ON!!!