Pecan Butter and Banana for breakfast....
Tofurky Oven Roasted Sandwich with Just Mayo and Vlasic Farmers Garden Pickles for lunch...
Since it's feeling like the height of summer already, dinner was steamed to avoid turning on the oven -- Potatoes and Broccoli with EVOO & Balsamic....
A PB & Chocolate Nirvana Bar for dessert...
Bye for now.
Trader Joe's Savory Squares
3 weeks ago
Ooh, farmer's garden pickles! Fancy.
I turned on the oven today and quickly regretted it. Sauteeing and steaming is the way to go from now on.
I just meant about the Reuben yesterday that I'm surprised to see cheese at all on there, not that I doubted it was vegan. I thought it was just sauce, kraut, and "meat"
I'm so with you on the oven situation. This is definitely the time of year when I start heading towards raw mode. It's so much better now than in January.
Do you like the pecan butter? I had that the packets are so watery but it's yummy! As I previously mentioned, I recommend the walnut butter next. It's so good on apples. Lunch looks so good and dinner sounds simple and perfect.
But what you need with the potatoes and broccoli: Sour Supreme, for dipping.
Yeah, those nut butter packets you have to like squeeze around before opening to mix it up and avoid the oily part on the top.
Your swirly bread seems to have such symmetrical swirling! The good pickle spears are important.
And yeah, turning on the oven is not recommended for the forseeable future.... Are those bars good? I nearly bought one and then defaulted to my favorite health warrior chia coconut bar instead.
Don't think i'll ever be a blogger- i have a strained relationship with technology. I'm a little impressed i ever figured out how to comment on your blog!!
Ooooh, pecan butter! Never tried it, but I'll bet it's good.
Hey Now!!!!
FF, hardly fancy Pickles. They're sold right next to the regular Pickles and cost the same with some rustic label. Don't be doubting my cheese. Yo!
Sarah, once I get through all the PB packets I have, I'll move on to Walnut. Gotta be crazy to pay the $12 for the little jar of Pecan Butter when you can get the packets for $1.79/each. Wont be buying more Pecan Butter.
Ingrid, aren't you being the bad influence on your big summer vacay?!
Unknown, I'm learning to squeeze my PB packets better. You will love these 22 week bars. I highly recommend them. I'll look for the Chia Coconut this weekend. Pulleeeze! You would be one be one of those super popular bloggers who would go on to forget all of us little bloggers that knew you when you were an anonymous commenter.
Abby, you would lose that bet. Pecan Butter tastes just like Almond Butter.
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