Wednesday, July 14, 2010

WFH Wednesday

Lunch was Okara Burgers with Tater Tots.
I have been eating these lately because they were voted 'Best-Tasting Meatless Burger'. For some reason that has sold me on them even though I could not disagree more with the vote.
Dinner was Potatoes, Green Beans and TJ's Chickenless Chicken tossed with a Dijon Vinaigrette.
Pistachios for dessert...
Plus a bottle of Charles Shaw Shiraz...


Stacy said...

Re: those okara burgers, the power of advertising!!

~M~ said...

Bummer about the burgers!

Rose said...

Too bad about the okara burgers...few things are more disappointing than a bad veggie burger. That potato dijon salad looks amazing though.

dirtyduck said...

voted by who i wonder? great looking potato salad.

Carissa said...

So...are you saying that okra burgers are awesome? Or that they suck?

Jessica said...

Potatoes and green beans are always a great combination. Unrelated: I think we have the same plates. Good taste?

Dianne said...

Wow, that green beans and potato dish does look good! Great for a summer night!

Vegan In The VI said...

Hello, Ladies!

I think I like the burgers, but I'm not sure. I wish someone else would try them and let me know what they think. They're certainly super thin. Why do they say 'Courage' on the box? They have a pull on me I can't shake.

legolandpenguin said...

I've never tried the okara burgers, but I take it as a bad sign when the name implies some characteristic you might need to try the food. Much like a restaurant down the street from me, "Good Luck Chinese Restaurant."

Jenny said...

Interesting - I have never seen the okara burgers, but I wish I could try them.