Friday, April 30, 2010

Not An Exciting Food Day

I took the day off work so lunch was at home -- the last of the Magical Loaf I made over a week ago with a Baked Potato and Sour Supreme.
Dinner was Franks & Beans!
I am "detoxing" from all the flour & Daiya I had yesterday.
Since the temps are now in the 80's, I had some Mango Sorbet for dessert to cool off.
Lots of Frontera Shiraz. See you tomorrow!


blessedmama said...

Now, do I have to start harping on you again about oldy, moldy leftovers????

Marja @ StuckInYourBeard said...

Hello, I found your blog through another vegan blog and just thought I'd say hey! from another Virginian vegan.

Vegan In The VI said...

Blessed Mama, vegan food never goes bad! (Unless it's fuzzy or clumpy).

Majra, thanks for saying 'hi!'. I've added you to my links.