Lunch was at Legal Seafoods. The Apple and Tortilla Salad with Avocado and Roasted Red Peppers on Romaine Lettuce tossed with an Orange Chipotle Dressing. Very unique but totally delicious.
Dessert was a cup of TJ's Mango Sorbet. So refreshing!
More Alice White Merlot...See you tomorrow!
normally im not impressed with salads, (restaurant or homemade) because i love my monster salads, but this one really looks good right now, i went to legal seafoods website, that name really gets you. are you going to make a whole foods trip tomorrow?
Orange chipotle dressing? That sounds awesome. Your dinner looks good too...I'm totally OD'ing on asparagus these days.
im od'd from two years ago(asparagas). i cant wait for artichokes!!!
I bought a ton of Asparagus on sale for .99/pound, so more is coming...I am planning to try steaming an Artichoke for the first time this spring. Hope I do it.
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