Friday, August 16, 2013

Friday, August 16th

A Blueberry Muffin from Le Pain Quotidien for breakfast (not as good as the Carrot Cake, but there were actually Blueberries in it)...
'Mixed Veggies and Tofu' $8.95 from Loving Hut for lunch. This was the perfect meal. If I ate like this all the time I would feel fantastic...but then I wouldn't get to enjoy a great dinner like...
another 'Mediterranean Picnic Sandwich' from The Randy Radish. Yes, I stocked up. Claussen Mini Dills on the side.
Guess that's all I ate today. Thought I'd do dessert, but looks like it's not happening. See you tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

I would stock up on those sandwiches, too. They really look fantastic.

Great looking lunch, as well. The muffin doesn't look as good as the carrot cake, but would still be a yummy breakfast.

foodfeud said...

Blueberry muffins strike me more as breakfast food than carrot cake but who am I to judge?
Didn't know Vlasic made mini dills!! Now I can eat a million and not feel like an idiot.

xvavaveganx said...

Looks like a pretty great food day to me! Glad your muffin actually had blueberries in it. Looks yummy! I seriously love Loving Hut. Their meals are always spot on and that lunch looks delicious. I would definitely stock up on those sandwiches too!

Rae of Food said...

I haven't tried the blueberry muffin from LPQ yet but their vegan cherry scone is delicious!

I have to get more pickles, i finished my jar of baby dills yesterday!

Day of good eats! hopefully you'll have good eats this weekend!

Unknown said...

Delicious day there!
Was there some rice with the lunch veg mix? I always want to soak up as much of the saucy stuff that comes with it as possible....
Really good decision to buy multiples at randy radish. I impulse buy those jars of cornichon pickles, they're like my candy. Pickles dunked in hummus is (are?) an under-rated combo btw. I demolished a jar of bubbies once but this addict's habit can't handle that price regularly. Not sure they were significantly better than the huge $1 pickle i get at the corner bodega either...
Did you get a csa box this week? We finally have some good corn at the farmers market here.

Hannah said...

Because you had cake for breakfast, I forgive the lack of dessert. There, don't you feel better now?

Ingrid said...

A fantastic food day! I will definitely look for those mini dills.

I don't really stock up on Vegan Van eats, as my preferred sandwich is served warm. Probably only the salad would be worth purchasing for stocking.

Vegan In The VI said...

Hey Now!!!!

RVs, gotta show my $upport for all vegan items, even if this Blueberry Muffin isn't the greatest. Life is rough.

FF, you are right as always: they were actually Claussen Pickles. Doy!

VaVa, I always enjoyed how you patronized Loving Hut when you travelled to see your BFF in Orlando.

VGG, I've done the LPQ Cherry Scone, but I just don't have an appreciate for Scones. So dry.

Unknown, I gave the Loving Hut Rice to Mr. SV, since I'm okay without it. I was just wondering about Pickles on a Hummus Sandwich. Seriously. I have been getting the CSA boxes, but still no Corn. Might have to just buy it separately if it doesn't come this week.

Hannah, you knew exactly why I didn't do dessert: I'd already had my cake for the day.

Ingrid, I would stock up on one of everything from the Vegan Van, but it's probably best to do it the way you do.