Wednesday, November 7, 2012

WTF Wednesday

Sarah Kramers Banana Pancakes with Maple Syrup for breakfast (I'm out of sausage).
Kung Pao 'Chicken' from Good Fortune for lunch. The lunch portion is the right amount. The dinner portion is tooo much (opined Goldilocks).
Field Roast Hazelnut Cranberry Roast en Croute with Imagine Mushroom Gravy and Steamed Broccoli for dinner. This is a really easy-to-make gourmet meal.
Dessert was half of a Black & White Cupcake from Natalia's Elegant Creations.
Coming up tomorrow: Lunch at WF's.


Anonymous said...

I saw that Field Roast and want to try it! Mike's not a fan of cranberries, though, so I'm hesitant.

Delicious looking dessert, as always.

Miss Rachel said...

I may be trying a Field Roast during the coming holiday season. I'm not sure my WF's has the "en croute" variety though.

xvavaveganx said...

Oh man this looks like a great food day. Everything looks so comforting and warming. The pancakes look really deliciousm as does your lunch! The field roast has always intrigued me every time you've posted it. It sounds really yummy. Beautiful dessert as always!

PS. It's back!!!! :D

Vegan In The VI said...

Hey Now!!!!

Molly, the cranberries are only in the center (stuffing). It would be easy to take his stuffing out and enjoy it yourself. It's only about a teaspoon of stuffing anyway. I highly recommend this Field Roast

Miss Rachel, I always get my Celebration Roast at Wegmans. I have never seen these at WFs, but today I got a Gardein Roast $16.99 at WFs and Trader Joes has a Roast for only $10 that is probably exactly the same as Gardein. I need to get a hold of that.