Thursday, August 14, 2014

Thursday, August 14th

Another Amazing Grass Smoothie this morning with two small frozen Bananas, Hemp Milk, a Date and two tablespoons of Chia Seeds...
I bought a gigantoid Heirloom Tomato at Whole Foods this past weekend...
Enjoyed today on TJ's Rustic WW Bread with Just Mayo. Some folks insist on Earth Balance instead of Mayo on their Tomato Sandwiches, I may try that next...
Yes, WF's Herb Crusted Tofu with Squash for dinner again. It's that good...
Grandpop's Popcorn for dessert...
A couple pics in the barn this afternoon...Donovan...
and Buttercup...
Lunch with Mom tomorrow. Bye for now.


Sarah said...

Kitties!!! What cute pictures! They were nice and posey today! So adorable.

Your smoothie looks really great. I'll be drinking lots of em next week so the inspiration is much appreciated ;) The tomato is huge and looks amazing! You know I'd prefer the EB anyway because of the whole mayo thing but wow, that looks great! I don't think I've ever tried an heirloom tomato, I think I should change that.

Unknown said...

I love adding chia seeds to smoothies and juices- i have a lifetime supply in my freezer due to a great sale when i bought two pounds.....(!!)
What an amazing tomato- perfect way to eat it for lunch. For the earth balance version i'm thinking you butter toasted bread? I was actually at WF today and no premade breaded fu for us here. But they did have vegan quinoa cakes made from a PPK recipe so i "settled" for those.
I love the virginia checkmark logo on the popcorn, haven't seen it before but sounds like a great flavor.
Love the kitty pics!!

foodfeud said...

Donovan you sweet thing.
I made a smoothie this morning (mid-week! unheard of!) and was pleased with how the morning went, though I was slightly slower out the door. Chia seeds sound like a good addition. I used to add flax, which kinda does the same thing.
Squash and tofu -if it ain't broke, etc.
I used to love tomato sandwiches as a kid (I think maybe Harriet the Spy ate them?) but it was just plain tomato, salt and pepper.

Hillary said...

That tomato looks so good! I've never tried Earth Balance either. The kitties are so cute! I remember when they were babies!

Ingrid said...

That is one large tomato! I like mashed avocado or Tofutti with my tomato slices on toast. Yum.

I'm certain the Herb Crusted Tofu is that good because I trust your opinion and WF near me don't carry it!

Donovan and Buttercup sure are adorable! I would want to love on them daily!

Sandwich or salad for lunch.

Abby Bean said...

Excellent tomato to toast ratio; that heirloom was money well spent. Your WF is so much better than mine.

Vegan In The VI said...

Hey Now!!!!!!

Sarah, oh I forgot your mayo aversion. sorry! now dont you forget to share your raw choices next week.

Unknown, I have a multi-pound bag of Chia also, but i dont keep it in the freezer. i hope the 'goodness' is still intact. I also hope those Quinoa Cakes work out for you. Nothing remotely like that down here.

FF, i thought about adding S&P to my Sandwich. So funny you should mention that.

VP, you have never tried EB?! Get thee to the store ASAP!

Ingrid, I wish so bad the barn cats could move into the house, but Mr. SV puts the kibosh on that plan. OH! NO! You didnt guess right this week;-( So sad

Abby, WFs needs to start doing swaps of their prepared foods with other stores around the country. i am sure your local WFs has cool stuff that mine doesn't.