An Amazing Grass Smoothie with the usual Frozen Banana, Hemp Milk, Date and Chia Seeds for breakfast...
Mr. SVegetarian was out and about this afternoon and brought me back a Crispy Burger from Loving Hut. Extremely filling, making this an extremely short post....
And that was today. Tomorrow will be tomorrow. Bye for now.
I really want that crispy burger in my life right now. Too bad it's going to be my (mostly) raw week. Who would have thought that pet sitting would be that stressful! I don't know how you do it with all of those animals. I was so stressed out the whole time... I am too neurotic!
Anyway, that burger looks incredible. I would like to be eating it now and later and tomorrow and forever. The smoothie looks great too. That I WILL be eating (drinking) tomorrow :) As always, my intention is to take pictures. We'll see!
Hooray for Loving Hut! I've been missing it from your blog. I agree with Sarah - eating it now and forever sounds pretty great. We'll all go bicycling and eat kale the rest of the time to combat its effects of longterm consumption. ;)
This seems like a very summery day- and that burger and fries looks just amazing. The bun too- so often the bun is just a blah after thought but that one looks nice and sturdy.
Clean out the fridge dinner for me, bag is packed including street nuts and bagels for the family :)
Everyone eats two cobs if the corn is good!
Very nice loving hut burger.
Haxan is very happy with the nip, so thank you.
Hey Now!!!!
Sarah, four little fuzzy babies overwhelmed you?! What a wuss!
Ingrid, I may not eat as much from Loving Hut as I should, but Mr. SV picks up my slack with all his Pho and Lemon Grass Vermicelli that is unseen but consumed en masse.
Unknown, how exciting to fly across country. What was the in-flight film and vegan meal?
FF, wow, you actually got your mail. Amazing.
OMG……fries and cirpsy burger…please. come to me!
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