Thursday, December 13, 2012

Thursday, December 13th

Blah Biddy Breakfast Blah...
Veggie Burrito Bowl from Chipotle for lunch.
TJ's Chickenless Chicken with Imagine Mushroom Gravy and TJ's Teeny Tiny Potatoes for dinner.
The other half a Maple Cupcake $3.50 from Great Sage for dessert.
Lunch out with Mom tomorrow.


xvavaveganx said...

I seriously love TJ's teeny tiny taters. They are so cute and little and cook up so well (and quickly!) I actually have some roasted in my fridge begging to be used!

Nice looking Chipotle bowl. They need to get rid of that cilantro to get me to go back. I feel like I kept eating in hoping the cilantro wouldn't bother me but it always did.

I am seriously envious of that maple cupcake.

foodfeud said...

Teeny tiny taters! Is that really what they're called?
I feel like you've been eating lunch with mom a lot recently. Or do you always, and I never noticed?

Unknown said...

There was a chipotle in nyc in chelsea that was testing gardein on their menu for a while (!!!!) but obvs wasnt sucessful enough to add to the regular menu.... Maybe at some point they will.
The teeny potatoes are somehow more fun- i always need ketchup with mine, and the real stuff, somehow its one of the few products where the organic/natural version tastes yucky.
Have fun lunching with the mom!

Vegan In The VI said...

Hey Now!!!

VaVa, the Teeny Tiny Taters really get creamy inside when baked. So fun and tasty. Mr. SV is a Cilantro hater as well.

FF, yep, they're called Teeny Tiny Taters. They're really good. Friday lunch with my Mom has rarely varied for the past few years. I usually just show what I had for lunch, not who it was with .

Unknown, the Chipotle in D.C. tested Gardein as well a few years ago. Hard to believe they can't roll it out nation wide. Once more Chipotle-type restaurants compete, I think we'll see more choices like that. I totally prefer the TJ's Organic Ketchup. Isn't that weird that you don't like it?