Thursday, February 18, 2010

What I Enjoyed Eating Today

Breakfast was another slice of Banana Bread as shown in yesterday's post. Lunch was another Vegan Seitan Panini from Whole Foods. Beef style Seitan, Baby Spinach, Caramelized Onions, Roasted Red Peppers and some sort of Vegan Cheese. Words and pictures cannot do justice to the deliciousness of this sandwich. I sure hope they continue to offer it.
Dinner was Mr. SV's Thursday Night Spaghetti with TJ's Meatless Meatballs..After that I had yet another slice of Banana Bread. I'm really getting into. Tomorrow's eats will include carryout from CPK and Roasted Cauliflower. Lots to look forward to.


~M~ said...


Is Mr. SV vegan too? My husband is vegan + I think male vegans rock!

dirtyduck said...

"I sure hope they continue to offer it."

um they will if you eat it as much as that cereal:)had to do it shenandoah

yea i agree with "m" my husband is not vegan but really supports me in it and made changes to his diet like not wasting what animal products he does buy etc. not quite the same but hey we all gotta start somewhere!ttyl

michelle and lil

when is this going to do a guest post????

Vegan In The VI said...

Mr. SV is not vegan. He has trouble resisting any food item put in front of him, so if butter/cream is on the table when we go out, he'll put it on his bread/in his coffee, but he wont ask for those items. He also buys cheese to keep in the house for his salads and veggie burgers. I AM SO ASHAMED!!!!

I'll ask him to do a guest post;-)

dirtyduck said...

lol dont be ashamed!!! and my husband, while supportive, makes only those concessions,...wait.. now im ashamed.

there are a lot of guys that wouldnt be supportive AT ALL. and although we wouldnt have amrried them had they been like that, its still an admirable trait i think.