Kashi Berry Fruitful Cereal with WF's Soy Milk for breakfast...
As we all recently learned, it is Radish Season again. In celebration, lunch was CSA Radishes and Tofutti Cream Cheese Sandwich on toasted Russian Rye Bread...
Boca Chik'n Patties and Roasted Reading Terminal Broccoflower for dinner....
A Flying Monkey Whoopie Pie for dessert. I don't recall ever having a Whoopie Pie before, but this one was excellent. A moist cake sandwich of sugary frosting. This little bugger happened to roll off the plate and onto the floor after the pic was taken, but survived unharmed.
I'll probably have the Radish Sandwich for lunch again tomorrow. It was really good.
Trader Joe's Savory Squares
5 weeks ago
I would never have thought to use radishes on a sandwich but that sounds awesome! Glad to hear that you liked it too! Whoopie pies are so delicious! Was it a vanilla cake? It looks like it could be some sort of carrot/pumpkin/maple type cake too. Whatever it is it looks delicious!
Well look at you and your precious little petals of radish!
I've had whoopie pies, but not for a very long time. I used to make them every once in a while and might just have to whip out a pumpkin batch soon. Yours looks really good!
I hope your nerves are feeling more settled today.
Those are some beautiful radishes! I love the long ones. They're also really good with olive hummus, I recently learned. But tofutti sounds great too.
Never had a whoopie pie either. The frosting has always turned me off but this one looks small enough that it wouldn't be too overwhelming.
I've never had a radish sandwich, but it does sound like a good idea!
The Whoopie Pie looks so good, and now description has me wanting to track one down eventually!
Wow, you must really like radishes! I can handle a few in my salads, but that's about it.
What an interesting idea with the radishes. I've never been a big radish fan but I might have to try them on some cream cheese.
I've also never had a whoopie pie. I don't know if I would like them.
i'm glad i'm not alone in my love of radishes! :)
Hey Now!!!!
Sarah, a keen eye you have! It was a Pumpkin Whoopie Pie.
Hannah, it was like a little Tea Party for one. Without Tea.
FF, these Radishes were nice and long prior to slicing. You would approve. I've seen those Whoopie Pies with an inch of frosting in the middle. They do look overwhelming.
RVs, 'whip out a batch'?! Whoopie Pies seem like they would be difficult to make. You could probably make some money selling them at the Farmers Market. They are very popular. My nerves are getting better, thanks.
Ingrid, the Beet Box seems like it would have Whoopie Pies. You would probably like it.
BM, these French Breakfast Radishes are very mild. They aren't the same as the regular kind you would find at a Salad Bar or a $5 Side Salad.
VGG, the Whoopie Pie was like a Cupcake but with the frosting in the middle. I can see why people like them and also why people think they would not like them.
GFHTummy, I'm late to the Radish Appreciation Society. Better late than never.
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