It was Ingrid who first alerted me to the existence of these Gardein Breakfast Sandwiches, and I've had them in the freezer a couple weeks. Finally brought one to work this morning since I don't have a microwave at home. It was tasty, very tasty, but didn't seem that special in terms of what I could put together myself, if I so desired, with an English Muffin, Sausage Patty and Daiya. Still, I'll enjoy consuming the remaining Sandwiches in my freezer over time. Thanks, Ingrid!
WF's Black Bean Adobo Soup for lunch...
with Salad Bar...
Something with which to make myself sick out of the vending machine....
Another Sandwich. This time for dinner: The 'Mediterranean Picnic Sandwich' $7 that was picked up from The Randy Radish last Wednesday. It held up very well, so these are safe to stock up on.
I'll catch up on every one's blogs tomorrow.
Trader Joe's Savory Squares
3 weeks ago
You will love this! I have an award for you at my blog! Yes! :-)
Whaaaat! That gardein sandwich looks amazing. You are probably better off not having a microwave at home for them, though.
They sell day old sandwiches half off at a coffee shop across from work and one person has gotten sick from them twice. Just be careful how many you stock up on...
I just saw those sandwiches for the first time at my market and I was going to buy them but I didn't.
Now I guess I should try them, seeing as I enticed you with their existence. I bet they are good to have around on chilly mornings and don't have time to make a scramble or oatmeal. . .
Are those hearts of palm or slices of daikon in your WF salad?
Make sure you see both of my posts, especially the one with a wet Remy and trip to a vegan bakery! ;)
I knew there was a reason we were kindred spirits! I am the only other person without a microwave- therefore i'm "that person" who makes popcorn at work ;)
The bfastwich totally looks like a mcmuffin- i'm sure thats the point, actually...... I also load up on hearts of palm from salad bars, why i never actually buy a can is beyond me.
Those sandwiches are impressive-but yeah, a week could be pushing your luck a little.
Our bike ride on the coast was gorgeous- we did nearly 20 miles, but i'm a pasty new yorker so now my back is burnt in the shape of my tank top! Oh well. Lots of strawberries and tomatoes to take down before i fly back wed pm
I've heard of those breakfast sandwiches but still haven't seen them in any stores here! It looks really good and like it held up pretty well after being defrosted. In my dream home I won't have a microwave either ;) I'll have all of the kitchen nerd goodies in its place like my juicer, dehydrator and a vitamix ;)
Gorgeous salad and I'm glad soup season is coming up. That soup looks really hearty and delicious. The sandwich always looks amazing.
Pretty awesome that Gardein makes those sandwiches. We get something similar at Riverwest & love it.
Oh man, I would LOVE those Gardein sandwiches. SO much. Because I am swamped and tired and lazy and heartsore right now, and salty premade breakfast sandwiches sound like heaven.
Hey Now!!!!
Blessed Mama, thanks for the award. Haven't gotten one in years.
FF, are they vegan sandwiches that are half off? Worth risking a little diarrhea to save a buck, IMO.
VGG, the Gardein Sandwiches would be more worthwhile if they had faux egg as well. You can slap together the components yourself to better effect.
Ingrid, Daikon?! No, that's not a common item in these parts. Those are good old Hearts of Palm in my Salad. I will get to your posts tonight.
Unknown, Hearts of Palm are so expensive, it seems more economical to buy them on the Salad Bar for $7.99/pound. Which obviously makes no sense. The sunburn will give you lasting memories of your trip.
Sarah, it's definitely feeling like Soup weather now. Happened overnight.
RVs, you can also make these Sandwiches in your Pudgie.
Hannah, heartsore?! Hope there are details on your blog about that.
Yeah there really won't be. We unmarried folk have to be careful with what we put online when it comes to the heart.
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