Friday, March 16, 2012

Friday, March 16th

A Banana with TJ's Flax Seed Valencia Peanut Butter for breakfast.
Capelli D'Angelo, Virgin Olive Oil $12.50 Angel Hair w/Fresh Garlic, Wild Mushrooms, Asparagus, Scallions & Sun-Dried Tomatoes at Normandie Farm Restaurant. This restaurant is known for its Popovers, but provides French Bread upon request.
Field Roast Meatloaf with Heinz-57 and Roasted Carrots for dinner.
Coming up tomorrow: again, catching up with everyones posts.


xvavaveganx said...

Ooooh that pasta looks so good! Lots of veggies, which is always a plus! Love that there were sun dried tomatoes in there too :)

The roasted carrots with dinner look really great too! I typically don't like cooked carrots, but when they are roasted they have such an amazing flavor. I love carrots, I always have a bunch on hand.

Dessert looks yummy and ice crystal free!

foodfeud said...

Very beautiful pasta presentation. Asparagus season is indeed on its way. Do you always ask if the pasta is vegan at restaurants? Or do you just know which types are?

Miss Rachel said...

That lunch is so beautiful, like a work of art! I totally homed in on the carrots on your dinner plate too. Unlike Vava, I love cooked carrots, andI have never tried roasted them, but it looks as if I'm going to have to.

Ingrid said...

I've always intended to eat at a farm restaurant. I have been to a place that uses a few items from their urban garden.

Roasted carrots - yum!

Vegan In The VI said...

Hey Now!!!!

VaVa, I don't like cooked carrots either. Sure hope I make those pancakes one of these days. I just can't get myself to shred a cups worth of carrots. Seems like a lot of work.

FF, it was a beautiful presentation. I usually go the route of saying I cant do butter or cheese. My mother likes to then chime in that I'm vegan. It makes the ordering process very uncomfortable. I know it would make for great reading if I really detailed these lunches with my mother.

Miss Rachel, I'm not a fan of cooked carrots, but these tasted pretty darn good. I still shared a lot with the pups anyway.

Ingrid, well, this wasn't one of those 'farm restaurants' per se. But maybe one day it will be.

Get Skinny, Go Vegan. said...

my hubby is a HUGE fan of the field roast. i am lusting after your ice cream & cookies!