Nuttzo and Banana on a Toasted Wegman's Pumpernickel Bagel for breakfast. No lunch was necessary after that....
La Pasta Vegan Cheese Ravioli for dinner...
I was very confused upon unwrapping my Exploding Coconuts Bar for dessert. How did Food Feud get a hold of this Candy Bar before me? Then I realized it was just a little schtick thing in how the Bar is molded.
Groupon lunch out with Mom tomorrow.
Trader Joe's Savory Squares
5 weeks ago
I want your breakfast in my face. That looks like the absolute perfect meal. I should do some pb and banana soon. So good. Can't go wrong with the ravioli and hooray for fun new chocolate!! How was it?
The chocolate is cute molded like that, but I'd still want that extra bite!
Breakfast looks pretty fantastic. Nice & filling.
I love being at home and having delicious meals straight from the kitchen. Toasted bagel with anything is always a good idea.
Mexican for lunch.
Oh i bet the pumpernickle and nutzzo was a great combo. I'm always caught off guard when breakfast leaves me full for a really long time. Yay for vegan ravioli and sauce- i actually had a serious amount of tomato sauce on my TJ's meatless balls and veggies tonight. That is a very clever chocolate bar shape! Haven't seen that before.....
Haha, I was like No! I swear! I've never even tried that chocolate! Hope it was my teethworthy.
I had a bagel for a late breakfast a while back and was kinda pissed because I was really bored and wanted to eat something but I wasn't hungry at all.
So lame. Eating rules.
Either that was one enormous banana or a teeny tiny bagel.
Or just a trick of the camera angle. But that's a far less interesting take on things.
How can you tell us about a chocolate bar without a review? I want a refund!
Hey Now!!!!
Sarah, this was my first time eating 'raw' Cocoa so it was a little concentrated. I didn't taste any bug carcasses in it, but I did wonder a little..
RVs, good point about that big piece of Chocolate 'missing' from the bar. It was so confusing.
Ingrid, I'm sure you and Remy will be snowed in for comfort food days soon enough.
Unknown, so I can eat TJ's Meatless Meatballs and Veggies without Pasta? I didn't get that memo. I'll have to try it.
FF, you are the only one I know who takes bites out of food like I saw on that Chocolate Bar, but I guess you've been exonerated....this time...thanks for putting my 'heavy bagel for breakfast' experience into words. That was exactly how I felt yesterday.
Hannah, both Bagel & Banana were of average size, so I think the 'angle' explanation is the one to go with but in reality it was the pic most in focus.
Abby Bean, it's great Chocolate. I just assume I'm the last one to try this or any vegan Chocolate Bar. It's rare I feel like I'm introducing any new products here.
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