Friday, December 19, 2014

Friday, December 19th

Kashi Cinnamon Harvest with Hemp Milk for breakfast...
Not that it needed help, but I added some Tomatoes to my Field Roast Cheese today...
WF's Breaded Tofu with Purple Yam for dinner....
Finally got to try the new Theo PB Cups. At first bite I was disappointed, not as good as Cleo Cups but way better than Justin's. Regretted buying three packs in advance. By final bite, I would consider them a very close second to Cleo Cups and look forward to eating the rest. The heart shaped cups are cute as well...
All great new grub tomorrow. Bye for now.


Sarah said...

Oooh look at you with your fancy tomatoes ;) it looks so good, I really hope I can find that cheese! I am so curious now. How are the tomatoes? The thought of mealy tomatoes makes me sad.

Glad you eventually ended up enjoying the pb cups. Now you'll actually be able to enjoy the other two packs ;)

Sarah said...
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Unknown said...

The tomatoes are a great idea! Those little ones seem to be grown in greenhouses year round anyhow I like that they weren't shy with the dill in the potato salad.
Purple....yam?? Huh. That might be a new one. White yams, yes. Purple potatoes, yes. Was it sweet like a regular yam?
Heart shaped chocolates just taste better. And fyi starbucks has the dk choco justin' s cups....

Hahaha- my parents are so not hippie granola people! My dad would eat anything, but would have some smart a$$ comments about how it would be better with bacon or someshit. My mom wouldn't get past the *idea* of eating tofu scramble- but if she ate a half tofu half egg scramble she would never know the difference. I suspect i'm adopted sometimes...!
Hope you hit native foods this weekend

Vegan In The VI said...

Hey Now!!!!!

Sarah, these were the little TJ's Heirloom Tomatoes. They're too small to get mealy. I hope you find the cheese. I was at WF's today and forgot to buy more. Duh!

Unknown, I just started seeing these Purple Yams this year. The two I have had have been fantastic. Highly recommend. it is a shame when parents miss out of great stuff due to closed minds. I remember bringing my father some raw Cashews from WFs and he insisted they couldnt be eaten unless they were cooked. Couldnt convince him otherwise. I hit up Native Foods like a tornado today.