Tuesday, November 19, 2013

WTF Tuesday

TJ's Cream Cheese on a TJ's Pumpkin Bagel. Oddly, these Bagels never get stale, even though they're over a month old...
'Mixed Vegetables and Tofu' $8.95 from Loving Hut for lunch...
Speaking of Loving Hut, dinner was a Japanese Golden Chop I picked up in their freezer...
Served alongside Wax Beans, the Chop was really great -- better than the Gardein Holiday Roast because there was no weird chemical taste...
The last slice of Wholly Wholesome Pumpkin Pie for dessert. It may have seen better days, but I've officially consumed an entire Pumpkin Pie myself. I guess that's one of the benefits of being an adult, you can eat an entire Pie or Cake and not get in trouble.
Cereal and a Sandwich tomorrow? Maybe...


Sarah said...

I love that your day started and ended with pumpkin :) I still haven't tried those bagels... I was so excited when I got them too. Oops! Lunch looks great as always. What exactly is the chop supposed to mimic? Glad you enjoyed it! As for the pie, I'd say that it was spread out over a pretty long period of time so it's not like you ate a whole pie in one sitting! Looked delicious down to the last bite!

Rae of Food said...

Very true! Its wonderful being an adult and being able to eat the entire thing yourself! (hopefully not in one sitting)

I'm surprised your bagels havent gotten stale. Mine did after about a month! Oh well!

Anonymous said...

The wax beans look so perfect. Did you roast them? The chop sounds pretty great. Bonus points for no chemical aftertaste!

Do you usually store the bagels in the fridge? That's where we put our bread and it never seems to last more than a week before getting mold…. I need to know your secret!

foodfeud said...

Golden chop?? What is that even supposed to mimic?
Also, it doesn't count as eating an entire pie yrself if you don't do it in one sitting. Is mr. SV not a dessert fan?

Ingrid said...

Loving Hut just gets better and better. How much fun it is to discover items in their freezer! Good to know about the Gardein roast, I've seen it and wondered.

I fully intend to make a mini pie and eat it all. Ha!

Unknown said...

Hmmm. Bagels that don't get stale scare me a little..... Yes, mine the other day was from good old pick-a-bagel on 23rd, they just mix whatever into regular tofutti like they do the regular cream cheese. (Why don't they make one with olives!!?)

The mysterious chop looks interesting enough- sounds like a good buy if its superior to the faux meat roast. The pile of roasted beans looks so good to me!
Yes, eventually you ate a pie, but over such a long period of time its not brag-worthy ;)

Hannah said...

Yeah, it doesn't count when you eat the entire pie over many many days. Nice try.

Vegan In The VI said...

Hey Now!!!! (Sheesh you guys are rough! I have taken off my Pie Eating Champion crown and sash).

Sarah, at least you don't have to worry about your Pumpkin Bagels getting stale while you neglect them. I think the Chop was supposed to be like chicken.

VGG, your TJ's Bagels got stale? Wonder why mine are still soft. Fortunately, I only have one left.

RVs, I roasted the Wax Beans and they were really great. The TJ's Bagels have been in the fridge to no ill effect, but I emphatically recommend storing all bread products in the freezer.

FF, I think the Golden Chop is supposed to be like chicken. Mr. SV eats tons of sweets, I've no clue why he let me eat the whole pie myself (especially over a long period of time). Probably something happened to the pie that he knows about but didn't tell me.

Ingrid, do not waste your money on the Gardein Roast! Their other stuff is okay, but they haven't perfected the Holiday Roast yet.

Unknown, Pick-A-Bagel on 23rd is on my to-do list if I ever get back to Manhattan. I love Cream Cheese and Olives too! I suspect if you bought a Pie and ate the whole thing (even over a period of time), you would think it was worth a mention.

Hannah, so I have to eat the entire Pie in a single day for it to count? Is it okay to use a fork and plate?