Hello, I'm Shen. Today's crisp Virginia morning was enhanced by a foot of snow, so I got to stay home from work and snuggle with my babies. Another Turkey Sandwich w/Route 11 BBQ Chips for lunch.
Good Karma Banana Fudge for dessert.
Frontera Cabernet Sauvignon/Merlot.
I called in today so I got to stay home too. Yay! That stroganoff looks sooooo good! I am going to look at the recipe now!
Did you use seitan? What does seitan taste like anyway?
Quite frankly, Arkansas doesn't get enough snow days.
I love the oblique view of the c sandwich and pickles with the chips in the foreground.
That stroganoff looks excellent. I'm bookmarking the recipe.
Hurray for snow and yummy food at home!
I am apparently the only one laughing my head off at this post. This is so hilarious I almost wasn't distracted by that amazing sounding dessert...banana fudge?!?
(I guess Blessed Mama wasn't in the stars for tonight)
Awww snow day! In NYC the snow either gets smashed down or plowed away so quickly it looks like it was never there at all...
glad you got a snow day!! i could have used one. i had to work on statistics homework for 12 hrs yesterday.
anyway, that sandwich looks good.
and i second carissa...what does seitan taste like?? i've never bothered to try it...i enjoy tempeh.
I havent had beef strogonoff for YEARS! You have inspired me!
WOW! Sounds like a wonderful,snuggly, snowy day with lots of good things to eat!
The stroganoff looks very tasty. hmmmm....Maybe I need to make a mushroom stroganoff for supper. I've gone all week with out pasta and I'm having withdrawals!!
yay for snow days! i'm liking the look of that stroganoff.
Did you make it out at all, or did you have all the stroganoff ingredients on hand? The fresh parsley makes me believe you made it to the store...
Well, Hello There!!!!
Carissa & Kimberly, as world-renowned vegans, you must learn to massage Vital Wheat Gluten w/liquids and herbs to make Seitan. It takes on the taste of what you cook it in. Tempeh is great as is Seitan.
Jenny, yeah, so far you haven't sold me on the State of Arkansas.
Rose, don't feel threatened. I'll never hold a candle to your food styling/photos.
FF, don't laugh too hard! Apparently, Charlie Sheen had to be rushed to the hospital for that.
Dianne, people in NYC are so lucky!
Oh Morgan, you do not want to eat the Stroganoff. Please stick w/the healthy stuff!
Deb, you must get a lot of snow days in Utah?
Michelle, (don't read what I wrote to Morgan above) the Stroganoff is excellent. You will love it!
Sara, do they have any days that aren't snow days in Buffalo?
Jessica, I have a lot of pantry staples on hand. The Parsley was left over from when I made the Wild Rice dish. I keep it (the Parsely) in a glass of water on the kitchen counter and it lasts a long time like flowers.
i love the happy beginning of this post. it made me smile
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