Even though it was almost 80 degrees today, I ate like it was fall. Kashi Autumn Wheat with Hemp Milk for breakfast...
Common Market Curried Lentil Soup for lunch....
they read what Unknown said about last weeks boring *ss Lentil Soup and totally upped their game...
Whole Food's Pasta Primavera for dinner....
Very light. Another hint of spring...
Equal Exchange Fruit and Nut Bar for dessert....

All different grub tomorrow. Bye for now.
80???!? Amazing! Totally weird you wanted lentil soup but i'm glad they made it less boring for you. Pasta primavera sounds fabulous and more appropriate for the weather, looks like a good amount of "stuff" in there too. And fancy chocolate? Great end to the day.
Haha, not quite a triathalon but i was certainly awake by the time i got to my desk! I took a different route this morning but looks like i'll be rained out the rest of the week...
what would the world be without the WF salad bar? Seriously?! :) hope everything's doing well in your world! xoxo
A hint of autumn, nothing wrong with that! I like the look of that chocolate bar.
80 degrees?? Damn! It's actually supposed to cool down a fair amount here because of the rain and clouds.
Beautiful primavera dish.
I love, love lentils so much. They are a year round thing, even if not in soup.
I used to love the fruit and nut bar from Cadbury's. I wonder if the Equal Exchange bar is similar? It looks delicious. The pasta and soup look delicious also.
Hey Now!!!!
Unknown, I have heard of 'mixing it up' before, but changing your route to/from work is a new one on me.
GFHTummy, hard to believe there once was life before Whole Foods, but there was...and it was pretty gross...
Ingrid, seems like all the Chocolate I buy goes through a temperature change before I eat it. Still tastes good though.
FF, Lentils rule, I agree.
VP, I loved Cadbury Fruit and Nut Bars as well. i would say Trader Joe's Raisin Pecan Chocolate Bar is most similar to what I remember of the Cadbury F&N.
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