Breakfast was the Banana Nut Waffles (made with Blueberries instead of Nuts) from Veganomicon.
The last of the CSA Soup for lunch. Such a relief that this is now gone.
An afternoon snack of ye olde White Bean Garlic Scape Dip with Fritos (and a CSA Parsley Sprig)...
TJ's Chickenless Chicken Strips with Heinz-57 and Roasted CSA Okra for dinner...
A Blessed Mama Peanut Butter and Jelly Cookie for dessert...
Back to the cube tomorrow.
Trader Joe's Savory Squares
5 weeks ago
Great looking food day! I have no idea how you could deal with soup today, it is highly commendable. The waffle looks so perfect!!
I've never had okra before because I've only heard of it being slimy and gross but I bet it's great roasted! And every day is better when it ends with a cookie :)
I love how you gussied up a pile of frito chips. Was that one leaf of parsley all you had left?
The roasted okra looks amazing! I've never made it muself but it's always really good. maybe you should get into homesteading and pickling and use a pickled okra for a Bloody mary, eh? Eh??
Pretty good looking food day, but maybe you should have frozen the extra soup to have at a later date. I like the artful application of the Heinz 57 sauce to your dinner plate.
Oh and I forgot to mention The Bachelorette. Is Des the most likable "contestant" they've ever had on that show?Usually, by the time the show nears the end, the bachelor/ette seems kinda not so great, but she still seems pretty nice.
You really made the chicken strips, ketchup & okra look nice! Very creative.
Great idea about the pudgie pies with banana bread. I just talked to Mike about possibly doing that once this heat wave passes.
Hey Now!!!
VaVa, I, too, live in fear of the 'slimy and gross' Okra of legend. So far, I've been able to successfully avoid that Okra.
FF, let's say it was the freshest leaf of Parsley that was left. Why pickle Okra when I just pickle myself every night?
Miss Rachel, if I froze the soup, I never would defrost it. Des is definitely keeping a positive attitude through difficult circumstances. Mr. SV and I are shocked SHOCKED! that she basically came out and said she wants Brooks to propose. Why waste the other guys time? How hilarious is that brother lurking behind the column in the hotel lobby?
RVs, thanks for the Okra compliment. I thought long and hard about what went with Okra and Fried Chicken seemed like the only pairing. I don't want to cause any problems with your Pudgying. Better make what you think will work well.
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