Friday, May 6, 2011

Ain't No Post Title Clever Enough

Lunch was the Avocado, Arugula, Tomatoes and Hearts of Palm Salad $11 at Dante Ristorante in Great Falls. There was a Groupon involved.
To make up for the shrimp left off my Salad, I ate a half of a Tofurky Kielbasa with Hot & Sweet Mustard when I got home.
Frontera Cabernet Sauvignon/Merlot.


VegInDenver said...

mmmmmmm... hearts of palm

Molly said...

We have Rising Moon ravioli or gnocchi every once in a while. It's pretty good! The salad looks quite yummy.

Jessica said...

How do those hearts of palm compare to the ones from WF salad bar?

I am in my first Groupon limbo - I wanted to buy a subscription to gun and garden, but not enough people have bought! The deal might not be on! (It was going to be a Father's Day present.)

Vegan In The VI said...

VeginDenver! A new commenter. Love those! Will check out your blog tomorrow.

VF, cool that you can spell Gnocchi correctly! Or did you...?

Jessica, these must've been fresh Hearts of Palm that were in my salad. More rustic than WF's. 'Gun and Garden' magazine? I hope Dad is more into the Gardening part of the mag.