Saturday, June 27, 2015

Zero More Days...

My last day of grub ever in Northern Virginia (hopefully). My TLT and Kale Salad were better than ever, but oddly the bittersweet part was knowing I will never see the super friendly servers again....
also shout out to the stellar folks at Loving Hut. Great people there as well as great food. Our only regret is that Sarah didnt clue us into the Wonton Soup years ago...
Mr. SVegetarian helped make sure I am not leaving any of my Cashew Milk Ice Cream behind...
So let us all hope and pray (not that I am religious) that tomorrow I post from my new locale (name of new blog still undetermined, but will be posted here). Bye for now.


foodfeud said...

Damn, blogging all the way down to the wire! So are you just moving to Southern VA? Richmond? Roanoke? Blacksburg? It's beautiful down there. Are you keeping yr job?
Good luck, hope everything goes smoothly and I hope to see you back on the blogs soon!

Unknown said...

Awesome way to say goodbye- that TLT looks extra special today. Nice to have servers that give half a $hit, that is miss-able. What will the Mr eat without loving hut?? Glad that ice cream was your sweet send-off.
Hope your move is as uneventful as possible and your new local options are full of fabulous meals just waiting to be discovered!

Hillary said...

Very exciting! That looks like a great send-off sandwich. I can't wait to find out where you are moving to! I agree with unknown, I hope your move is safe, and uneventful!

Ingrid said...

It's the end of an era! I feel like I am well equipped for any visit to Northern Virginia, and I can't wait to see what adventures you, the Mister, and the animals encounter in your new location!!

Sarah said...

This was an absolutely perfect send off!! Lovely meals and lovely memories and now you are on to even better days. I hope you have a safe trip and that your new home provides comfort and happiness to you! So excited to find out where you end up!!

Vegan In The VI said...

Hey Now!!!!

I moved to St. Thomas, but I may move back to Virginia next week and never leave. It has been a rotten day. What have I done????

RED ARROW said...

طاب مسائك. من أجل حل مشاكل الانتصاب ، لا تحتاج إلى بذل الكثير من الجهد كما يبدو للوهلة الأولى. يكفي فقط الحصول على مزيد من المعلومات سعر حبوب ليفيترا 10 مجم وبعد ذلك ستتمكن أخيرًا من حل مشكلات الانتصاب في فترة زمنية قصيرة جدًا.