Corn Flakes with Hemp Milk for breakfast...
An Oven Roasted Tofurky Sandwich for lunch....
Boca Chickn Patties and Steamed Broccoli for dinner....
A Vegan Treats Jelly Doughnut for dessert....
Lunch with Mom tomorrow...
Trader Joe's Savory Squares
3 weeks ago
Say hi to your mum for me!
I'm usually not a doughnut person, but the jelly one sounds pretty fantastic right now.
Lunch: not Chinese, not Mexican.
At least you got a decent shot of the donut this time around.
I'm guessing Italian for lunch with your mom? Great looking sandwich and doughnut.
You ready for another round of snow on Monday? I miss the 50 degree days already.
I absolutely LOVE those jelly donuts!
Especially fancy photography today! Everything looks great, especially the olives.
I must visit Loving Hut again if the VT donuts have arrived. I'm slowly becoming the vegan donut connoisseur.
Have you visited Vegan Treats in PA? It is about an hour west of Philly but a great trip. I am going in a few weeks and plan to stock up big time.
Hey Now!!!!!
Hannah, 'Mum'? If I had a 'Mum', my life would have taken a completely different path. I have a 'Mom' with all the dysfunction attached.
Ingrid, oh the humanity!!! What happened to you???
FF, I should get some compensation by Vegan Treats for that pic.
Sarah, Italian?! I think you were just pulling that out of you-know-where. I heard 'Titan' is coming. It's old hat at this point.
Abby, I now think of you when I get the VT Jelly Donut.
Jenny, when the photos turn out good, no one is more surprised than me.
Jared, gotta go to Loving Hut Friday evening or Saturday morning to get the Donuts before they're all gone. I rarely travel anywhere, so an hour west of Philly will never happen for me. How annoying was this article:
Great to know, I will plan my next visit there accordingly. I did read the article this morning -- I found the writing really morose and more critical of vegan morals than the food itself. Also did not seem as though he tried many dishes over several visits, definitely necessary when the menu is incredibly vast.
So glad I'm not alone in my reaction to that article. I never 'responded with visceral delight' when eating animal fat. Hopefully, the article will not get much response so as not to generate more of the same.
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