Nature's Path Raisin Brain with Hemp Milk for breakfast....
Common Market Eggless Egg Salad (on leftover LPQ bread) for lunch...
Skinny Bitch Red Wine 'Beef' Stew (with Peas!) for dinner..
The other half of my LPQ Matcha Muffin for dessert. Not so easy to get a picture of in a dark kitchen, but quite the tasty treat....
Again with the prepared processed foods tomorrow.
Trader Joe's Savory Squares
3 weeks ago
Oooh the LPQ bread looks so good and is perfect for the eggless egg salad. Definitely a great looking lunch, I'm sure it was very satisfying :) And look at those peas in there. Glad they finally joined the party.
I kind of love the color of the muffin. The top looks nice and crusty, I love when muffins have texture on the top. Definitely a great looking dessert and a very cool option that LPQ offers.
Yum! Look at that luscious bread and eggless salad... I like the look of the stew as well.
Re: what am I making? Last night one of the ideas turned out alright (tune in tomorrow to see it at lunch), and the other idea is to make a vegan beef bourguignon.
Good use of the LPQ bread! It has the best chewy crust texture....the single tomato slice is a nice touch :)
Glad your stew finally found some peas, they look like green polka dots!
The muffin nice and moist, and the color is really fun.
I picked up one of the vegan molasses cookies at whole foods today (sold individual in the bakery dept with muffins etc) and it was the best damned cookie ever!! Very molasses-y with spices and a chewy texture. In case you need a cookie next time you're there.....
Hey Now!!!!
Sarah, who knew it would be so difficult to get a bag of organic frozen Peas. Once you finish coming up with the Pecan Sandie recipe, you can move on to a Match Muffin recipe.
Ingrid, woah! Beef Bourguignon! That is major work.
Unknown, I can't wait to hear what you think of the LPQ Matcha Muffin. The Molasses Cookie and the Chocolate Chip Cookie are the only two vegan Cookies that Virginia WFs carry. I agree, the Molasses is excellent. I should show my support and buy one.
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