Monday, January 3, 2011

Stir-Fry, Burgers, Patties and Cookies

Whole Food's Seitan Stir-Fry for lunch. I am pretty sure I ate it with the wrong ends of the chopsticks.
Dinner was Masala Burgers (these were good) with TJ's Mango Ginger Chutney...
and Spinach Potato Patties with Soy Delicious Coconut Milk Yogurt. These Spinach Patties were a lot of work for little pay off. Do not recommend. Unfortunately, the recipe made a bazillion, so they will be appearing on the blog indefinitely till they're gone.
Much like these CranCrazy Cookies I had for dessert.
Frontera Cabernet Sauvignon/Merlot.


Jessica said...

I would have tried those spinach potato patties, too, based on the recipe. Maybe they'll seem better when you just have to heat them up and you're still enjoying #24.

foodfeud said...

Haha, I always break my chopsticks apart unevenly and have to try to eat without getting a splinter..
Bummer about those potato/spinach patties. How could those two perfect ingredients lead you astray?

speaking of which - how do you usually find the NYT recipes? Do you just browse them a lot or do you look for particular things?

Carissa said...

I really want those spinach potato patties and I have been meaning to buy mango chutney. Nice job eating with the wrong side :o)

Rose said...

I like the look of those Masala burgers with the chutney on them!

Lol about the chopsticks...I'm sure I've done that a few times too in my feeble attempts at trying to eat with them.

dirtyduck said...

the wrong end of the chopsticks is for grabbing food from a shared platter, i looked up proper chopstick etiquette last

i love chopsticks!

but i thought the cran crazies were gone?

dirtyduck said...

wonder if you could bake them instead, (the patties) that would cut out some work. what was hard?just time consuming?

blessedmama said...

I had to laugh about your spinach patties. You're like me, eat something until it's gone, darnit! Not going to waste food or money! Sorry they don't at least taste better for ya.

Debra said...

Those Masala Burgers look yummy! I am going to give these a try:)

Just Us said...

I'm catching up from being away from the computer for the last 3 days. :o) Looks like you are having a great new year so far. You've had some mighty good looking food!

At least you can use chopsticks...I would starve to death if that's all I had to use to eat with.

Those spinach potato patties look yummy, but I know what you mean when you spend a lot of time making something and the outcome is just "okay".

Vegan In The VI said...

Hello, Ladies & FF!!!!

The Spinach Patties blew! No bones about it. I may have to just toss the rest just cuz of I'm so bummed at how they turned out. Thank goodness none of you posted the recipe or I would be TO'ed!

FF, I probably was just doing a search on the NYT's recipe engine for 'vegan'. But, yes, I do spend too much time online looking at recipes.

Michelle1, you know some interesting stuff.

Michelle2, I like eating w/chopsticks cuz it slows me down. I'm sure you could handle them if you had no choice.

Jenny said...

I like eating with chopsticks for the same reason! Portion control. And I think you could definitely hide those spinach patties within something else, to make it taste better. Challenge extended.